
Monday, August 16, 2010

Chocolate Chip Muffin

Everywhere I read about Medifast recipes these days, there's talk of Chocolate Chip Muffins and how great they are.  So when I got my first shipment of chocolate chip pancakes, I immediately got to work.

Now, I haven't actually used it to make pancakes as it has just been one experiment after the other with the muffins.

The picture on the left is my first attempt. It was also my
first taste.
I don't agree that this Medifast meal tastes good. It's terrible. It does not taste like pancake. Once I got to the chocolate, it got better, I have to admit. But that's just the chocolate. The actual pancake tastes like paper.  This might be better suited as a substitute for bread ... a sandwich maybe ... just a thought...

Here are the instructions for the Chocolate Chip Muffin:  Spray ramekin with butter, mix pancake with recommended amt of water (do not overmix) and pour on ramekin.  Microwave for 90 seconds

When taken out of the ramekin, I noticed the chocolate
chips settled on the bottom.
The chocolate chip was the best part.  Otherwise, this was a complete disaster.

Next I tried to make one on the toaster oven.  Using the same instructions, I baked it at 350 degrees this time for 20 minutes.  This is what happened:

The right one is baked.  The left is microwaved.

Both still got eaten (hey, I don't like wasting food) but neither was satisfying.  Both were tolerable but not as delicious as everybody seems to be raving about.

I decided that I might have overmixed the first one because I used a whisk.  So I decided to try again.  

The one in front is the "not overmixed" muffin.  
It's sitting beside the other two to show how well it
While the texture was now better, there's still not much to be said about the taste;

Day 2.  More experiments.
This time I had to think more about my muffin.  What makes muffins rise?  What would stop my chocolate chips from sinking to the bottom?  

I decided to use some other condiments to help my muffins.  I used not 1 but TWO bags.  Now, I also used half an egg but if this wasn't an experiment, I would have used the whole egg and used FOUR bags. 

Here it is, the fluffy and soft muffins.  Finally!

Feast your eyes on this!
In the end, I suggest using the ramekins.  It ended up being soft and delicious (the sugar helped but I might switch to honey if it's allowed).  There will be more experiments.  I'll try not to put baking powder next time and try to get the crumbly, flaky texture that I love. 

Here is the recipe:

2 bags of Medifast Chocolate Chip Pancakes
2 bags of Sweet Leaf (or Splenda)
1/8 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup milk
1/2 egg (probably best if you use egg beaters)

Preheat toaster 400 degrees.

Mix dry ingredients well.

Add milk and egg

Mix but do not overmix.  If there are clumps, it's okay.

Pour into pans and bake for 15-20 minutes.

I'll keep you posted on other experiments.


  1. Something you might want to try is extract (if you like it). I don't like the vanilla-y flavor of the pancakes, so I add orange extract and to me, they taste like the chocolate orange wedges (I do this with my brownie's too). I hope this helps some!

  2. YES!!! I forgot extract! Thanks for the tip. I actually enjoy it more as pancakes rather than muffins. How about you?

  3. Biggest thing I've learned about the CC pancakes is to make as must throw a pinch of baking powder in and shake 'em really good...not that 5 shakes stuff on the package. Then, leave in refrigerator for at least 20-30 minutes. When you come back...thick, rich batter that makes pancakes with a good distribution of choc chips. If I make the "muffin" I pour all but the "dregs" (the choc chips) into my cooking container of choice and nuke it for 30 seconds or so...til it starts to firm up a little....I then pour the remainder on top. Some of the choc chips fall through and others stay on the top. Makes for a better distribution of choc chips. Have also seen the pancake muffin made with the original packet and add a tsp or 2 of SF pancake syrup into it. When cooked, split in half and add a MSF sausage patty to make a modified "McGriddle"...

  4. When you’re on the program full time, your taste buds change. Your body gets rid of the preservatives and whatever the big food companies put into them that makes them so addictive and us so obese and you enjoy the flavors better as a tool to help you lose weight. These are best as crepes. Add 1-2 t. extra water and whisk well. Heat a 9” non-stick crepe pan (or 10” n-s skillet) and add 1 t. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter. Whisk again just before pouring onto hot pan to distribute the chocolate chips. When cooked on the first side (don’t let go too far) slide the onto a plate, invert the skillet over them and flip plate and skillet together so cooked side is up (unless you’re a wiz at flipping crepes ). While 2nd side is cooking, spread 2 T. Walden Farm Chocolate Dip (not syrup) over first side. When cooked, slide onto a plate and roll up like a crepe with dip inside. If you have the Condiments left, serve with 2 T. low-fat aerosol whipped cream. Delicious!

  5. You used 2 packages of pancakes. meaning 2 meals. How many muffins did you make? Im trying to determing how full to make them. Also, Can I use milk on plan?
