
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mobile Calorie Tracker

I always find myself wishing there is an iPhone app out for my Medifast journal out there.  Like you, I've seen the poll on the site asking which Mobile Device I own.  Everytime I see it, I can't help but wish there was one.  It would be really helpful if I can add up my calories while I'm in a restaurant or at a family event or just any get-together.

So, I started researching available options for me out there.

I've looked at a few but the first that has caught my eye is a FREE mobile app called CalorieCounter.  I stress the word FREE because I like free stuff.  Dont you?

They make it so easy that you can text a food name and it'll come back with nutritional information for you.  I think it's the Medifast log "and then some!"  I'm going to give it a try for a few weeks and let you know how it goes.
In the meantime, care to share what you use for your "on-the-go" diet journal?


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