
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Medifast Scrambled Eggs

I've been reading about so many people complaining about the scrambled eggs so I thought I'd give a little tip about it.  It makes a huge difference if you cook it in a pan.  Get a PAM cooking spray.  We are allowed up to 10 seconds of that spray.  I usually only use about 3 seconds and I make scrambled eggs sprinkled with red pepper and salt.  I love to eat mine with raw tomatoes but once in awhile I make an omelette from whatever vegetables' left in my refrigerator.

So try it.  It's a huge difference.


  1. It really helps if you aerate the eggs thoroughly with a wisk or mixer, just like regular eggs...

  2. Yes, the eggs need to be cooked on the stove and there is a method! This morning, I made a salsa omelet! Sprayed Pam in a small 7 inch pan, set it to medium heat. Then whisk your medifast egg. I let it sit a minute on the counter while the pan continues to heat, then whisk one more time, and pour into the entire bottom of the pan. The heat isn't so high to scorch, and low enough that it starts to cook and meld. Once I see one air pocket, I know it's ready to flip, and I do carefully flip it with a larger spatula. Once flipped, I kill the heat, but keep it on the stove to continue cooking, put 1 tbsp of salsa on one half, fold over the other, and voila! A salsa omelet!
