
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chicken Wraps

Medifast Lean and Green:  Chicken Wraps

Once in awhile, I get a hankering for Chinese foods.  Unfortunately most of them are best eaten with rice or noodles.  While eating at PF Chang's last night, I was inspired to cook lettuce wraps -- my version of it.  I didn't try it with ground meat.  Instead, I made it with chicken breasts.

The result was quite tasty.  If you like ginger, I would advice adding a thin slice along with cooking the onions.  I skipped it because my husband and my kids don't like ginger and I can't eat all of this by myself.

Serves 4

1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts thinly sliced
Coarse salt and ground pepper
2 tbsp olive oil
4 thin slices of onion
1 large red bell pepper, ribs and seeds removed, thinly sliced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon red-pepper flakes
3 tbsp soy sauce (lite/low sodium)
3 tbsp rice vinegar
1 tbsp water
12 to 16 Lettuce leaves (about 2 heads)

Medifast Recipe:  Chicken Wraps
  1. Season chicken with salt & pepper. In a large nonstick skillet, heat 1 tbsp of oil over high heat then add chicken; cook, stirring constantly, until cooked throughout. Transfer to a plate.
  2. Add remaining tbsp of oil to pan.  Add onion and bell pepper. Cook, stirring constantly, until onion is tender and golden, about 4 minutes (reduce heat if browning too quickly).
  3. Reduce heat to medium; add garlic and red-pepper flakes about 1 minute.
  4. Stir in soy sauce, vinegar, and water; remove from heat. Add chicken and any accumulated juices; toss to coat. Serve in lettuce.


  1. Just found your blog through your facebook page & I love it! I am a health coach for Take Shape for Life and love it. I'd love to tell you more about that portion of it-along with the discounts offered with TSFL & the BESLIM club if you want. My email is:

    Anyway, thank you for sharing so openly your awesome recipe ideas-I get stuck in a rut sometimes with my lean & green and am only ten pounds from my goal, so it's easy to want to be done! Good luck reaching your goals too!

  2. sorry to post two comments in a row, but I was back reading on your blog and saw your calorie counter app-with TSFL there is a thing called Support in Motion and it's an online journal that has all the stuff to put in your medifast meals, lean & greens, everything else, and has all the information nutritionally as well. And, I can get it on my iphone which is so convenient. Just another thought! (:

  3. Thanks Karli. It's very sweet of you to say that about my site. I love the diet and I've come up with some recipes that I wanted to share.

    I'll check out the Support In Motion at TSFL. At one point I considered being a coach so I can give more "sage" advice here but I just enjoy writing the recipes so I just kept my focus.

    Anyway, thank you for the kind words and I hope you continue to visit.
