
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Zucchini Ribbons (Yet Another Pasta Substitute)

Zucchini Ribbons
(a pasta substitute?)

I love Farmers' Markets.  The vegetables and fruits are delicious.  I love the colors of food..  I love the people just coasting by.  As I was skipping down the street at the Farmer's Market this afternoon (okay, not skipping, probably just walking), a table full of zucchinis caught my eye.  I was reminded of the pasta substitute I've been reading on the boards lately.  So I decided to buy some.

When I got home, I was disappointed to find that two of the zucchinis I brought home were not good so it's probably best to talk first about how to pick the best zucchini.  First of all, bigger is not always better.  Pick a zucchini that is bright green in color, firm and wrinkle-free.  Once you have that down, you can't go wrong.  You can eat it raw and it will still be delicious.

Like I said before, I stole borrowed this recipe from a Medifast Official Site discussion board post.  So, if you want to see the original, just search for Zucchini Ribbons in the discussion boards.  I can't give you a link because you need to be logged in to see it.

Medifast Lean and Green Recipe

4 medium sized zucchini or however many to peel 1 cup full (peeled)
1/4 cup chicken broth
1 wedge Laughing Cow Cheese (or 2 tbsp Cream Cheese)
salt and pepper to taste

  1. Create ribbons by running a peeler from end to end of zucchini.  Keep peeling until you see the seeds.  Do not include seeds.
  2. In a medium-high skillet, pour the chicken broth and boil.
  3. Once boiling (once hot), add the zucchini ribbons.  Allow to cook until soft.  About 3 minutes
  4. Add cheese and mix until melted into the zucchini
  5. Season with salt and pepper
  6. Serve.

Zucchini Ribbons topped with tomato and MorningStar Farms Sausage Patties

Nutrition Facts do not include MorningStar Farms
Sausage which is 160 calories


  1. Thanks so much Codyjo!!! I made the zucchini ribbons tonight and LOVED them. I sauteed some lean pork and used a full cup of chicken broth (I like soups a lot so make a lot of my L&G meals into soups. Anyway, I added the pork strips to the zucchine, which was cooked with minced garlic. Just delicious!!! Thanks again!!

  2. I just realized I am not on Codyjo's blog but rather here on dieterskitchen!! So sorry!!!
