
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do-It-Yourself Medifast

All diets have one thing in common.  From Medifast to Nutrisystem to even the silliest banana diet.  It's simple really.  Eat less.  The less calories, the more weight loss.

The great thing about Medifast is that you know you are still getting your daily nutritional requirements so it saves you research time and effort.  However, I've been seeing a lot of posts lately about people having to stop their Medifast diets due to the economy and job loss.  It's always so sad to me because I'm on the verge of doing that myself.  I suppose one can come up with Medifast subsitutes or Medifast alternatives by simply following the rules.

So, in an effort to help people with their weight loss,  I plan to add a section on my blog for "Do-It-Yourself Medifast" by counting the calories and nutritional information.  It will not be Medifast approved so use your own discretion.  If you have any to contribute, please do so. 

The first step is to share with you the site I use to look at nutritional information based on ingredients:

To those interested, please either subscribe to my RSS feeds or Follow me on google as I will not be posting these recipes on my Facebook page. 

Let's help each other stay healthy and lose weight!


  1. 4-28-2012 I want to start Medifast. My brother in law lost 60 lbs and reversed his diabetes II. My sister has lost 35 lbs. I have diabetes II and want to lose 80 lbs. I once lost 40 lbs on Nutrisystem in 1990. I lost 30 on Atkins in 2005. I know I can keep a diet I don't have to think about with simple rules. But my wife is against the expense and is a chef. She said she would duplicate it if I could get the "menu". I hope this site will help me by helping her see the recipes to make and freeze for me so I can just grab and go for about 8 or 10 months.

  2. If you want to follow this program and don't feel you can afford the products (which I found SAVED us money over the cost of what's in the grocery store!), check out the book by the Medical Director of Medifast to understand their approach. It's called Dr. A's Habits of Health and it's available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. I've tried it both ways and believe me, the products are cheaper because you will only be shopping on the outside perimeter of the grocery store except for detergent to wash the dishes (and clothes). It's the prepared foods that are so cheap, because they are so devoid of nutrition!
