
Monday, July 26, 2010

Say What Now?

Lose up to 20 lbs. in 30 days with MedifastThree weeks into this month and I've only lost 3.5 lbs.  It's been kind of disappointing since I lost 16.3 last month. I've been on the same weight for 11 days now.  It's not going up.  It's not going down.  But 2 days ago, my new shipment came.  In it is my Calorie Burn Capuccino.  I drank it that same day for my evening meal.  No change the next morning.  I drank it again for breakfast the next day and the morning after, I lost 2.4 lbs.  Wow!  Joyful day!  Is that possible?

I'm now under the impression that I need to kick start my day with caffeine to help my weight loss.  So here's what I will try.  Since I only bought one box of Calorie burn to last me for 4 weeks, I will drink regular Medifast Capuccino today and drink 1 glass of [low] caffeineited green tea.  I will report to you if this helps me.

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