
Monday, July 19, 2010

Red Robin

Not very appetizing is it?  And oh so wrong.

I thought I'd blog some of the restaurants I've tried while on Medifast diet.  I live in Orange County California so if you live around here, I hope this is an excellent source for you.

Today, I tried Red Robin.  Believe me, I didn't think I'd find anything here but since the kids usually dictate where we get to eat .... well, here we are.

There was nothing in their menu that qualifies for Lean and Green so I thought I'd ask for a House Salad.  I asked the waiter what's in it because the menu didn't say.  He said lettuce, cucumber, tomato and cheese.  I said ok but no cheese and no dressing just give me olive oil and lemon.

This is what arrived at our table.  It had croutons and it had carrots.  So I did have to spend my time separating it out. 

I found nothing at Red Robin.  Let me know if you had the same experience.  If you have other restaurants that is Medifast-friendly you would like to share, please share.

1 comment:

  1. Would any of their burgers in a Lettuce Wrap work? The one i had wouldn't but if i had been more specific on what to not put on it and such, i wonder if it would.
